The 6th Tokyo International Mini-Print Triennial 2018|多摩美術大学

メゾチント特有のビロード地のような風合いが何と言っても魅惑的だ。逆三角形にあごの尖った、大きな切れ長の涼やかな目の若い女性像。その揺るぎないフォルムはむしろ抽象的ですらある。不思議なのは、彼女が剥き出しになった乳房をテーブルの縁にのせたまま食事をしようとしていることだ。そして目の前にあるのは、なんと皿にのせられた、血の滴るような小さな心臓だけだ。不気味に影を落とす、おぞましい肉の塊―彼女はこれをどうしようというのだろう。何かを決意するかのように、その眼は据わり、虚空の一点を見つめている。奇怪なのは、ナイフとフォークの、フォークの位置が逆さになっていることだ。これではうまく切り分けられないではないか。背景は風景―様式化された家屋と木が見えるが、訳の分からないものもある。すこぶる暗示にとんだ、濃厚かつ濃密な作品であり、珍しい円形の構図がそれをさらに求心的なものにしている。『デカメロン』にある不義を働いた妻に、愛人の心臓を料理して食べさせる残酷な夫の話を思い出した。彼女はそれをとても美味しいと食べたのだ。(本江邦夫 もとえ くにお/美術評論家)10Snezana PETROVIC (Serbia)“At the Table”mezzotint12.7×12.7cmSelected Awards:-Selected, Fourth International Mezzotint Festival, Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2017-Selected, Just Under 100: New Prints 2017/Summer, International Print Center New York, USA, 2017-Special Jury Prize (second ranked prize) and Purchase Prize, 10th International Biennial of Engraving „Premio Acqui 2011“, Acqui Terme, Italy, 2011In this work, the uniquely velvety texture of mezzotint is enchanting. The image is of a young lady with a sharp chin, her face like an inverted triangle, and cool, elongated eyes. The form is solid, but could be called rather abstract. It is also somewhat surreal that she is about to eat with her breasts exposed, resting on the edge of the table, and on the plate in front of her is nothing but a small heart that seems to drip blood. What are the woman’s intentions for this dreadful hunk of meat that casts an eerie shadow? She looks transfixed, her eyes fixed on a point in space as if making up her mind to do something. Another strange thing is that while she holds a knife and fork, the fork is upside down, which ought to make it difficult to cut up the meal. The background is a landscape, with stylized houses and trees visible, but its meaning is obscure. This is a rich, dense and highly suggestive work, and the unusual circular composition makes it even more mesmerizing. I recalled one of the Decameron tales, in which a man slays his unfaithful wife’s lover and gives her his heart to eat. She ate it and pronounced it delicious. (Motoe Kunio, art critic)Jury Award (Kunio Motoe)審査員賞(本江 邦夫)

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