Takashi Akiyama's selected posters
(03/10/14 update)

[01] Wild Life- Help (Skeleton-bird) / Ecology Poster / 1984 / 728x1030 mm / Serigraphy

  This poster is one of the tetrabiblos produced in 1984 for preservation of nature: 1- dinosaur, 2- gas mask, 3- whales, 4- skeleton-bird. At the time of drawing, acid rain was in the popular topic. I imagined how the birds fly in such rainfall and then a very humorous figure came to my mind: a skeleton bird flying in the sky. This work won the gold prize in the International Poster Biennial, Warsaw 1986 and became my magnum opus.

このポスターは、1984年に自然保護のために制作した作品“WILD LIFE-HELP”4部作(1-恐竜、2-防毒マスク、3-クジラ、4-骨格鳥)の一つである。当時は酸性雨が話題になっており、そういう雨が降っている時、鳥達はどうやって飛ぶのだろうと想像した。その時浮かんだイメージは、鳥の骨だけが空を飛ぶユーモラスな姿だった。この作品は、1986年、ワルシャワ国際ポスタービエンナーレで金賞を受賞し、ぼくの代表作となった。

[02]  Line / Ecology Poster / 1985 / 728x1030 mm / Serigraphy

  This poster is a work, which represented the possibility of a line. The centerline is the horizon: this is the skyline and also the sea line. I symbolized nature: the entity with a single line. The Chinese characters are situated to the four corners: Ten (heavens), Chi (earth), Tori (birds) and Umi (sea) that are indications for multiple meanings of the image. Depending on the angle this artwork will change the meanings. Therefore I am calling this work Kaiten (rotation) poster.


[03]  Sick-The Earth / Ecology Poster / 1987 / 728x1030 mm / Serigraphy

  This poster is one of "the earth" tetrabiblos. The image depicts the sickening earth and the back ground, yellow color connotes the sense of crisis on the earth. The image suggests unsolved problems on the earth, for example, over six billion people living there and the number is still increasing ( the shortage of foods and water supply) etc.

このポスターは、「地球」をテーマに制作した"The Earth"シリーズ4部作の一つである。危機を感じさせる黄色をバックに、イラストレーションで「病める地球」を表した。例えば、描かれている地球のなかには、60億を超える私たち人間がいて、さらに増え続けているなどの、解決できない問題を抱えている。

[04] Peace Face / Peace Poster /1988 / 1030x728 mm / Serigraphy

  This poster is a work, which submitted to the JAGDA peace poster exhibition in 1988. This exhibition's main theme was "peace" and many Japanese designers' works were displayed. This Akiyama's work depicts a man's face, which is constructed with the night sky and the locus of flying birds and weaves a message of peace into the image. This image connotes peace will make men smile.

このポスターは、1988年に開催されたJAGDA平和ポスター展に出品した作品である。この展覧会は、「Peace」をテーマに、国内のデザイナーによる作品が数多く展示された。秋山の作品は、夜空と夜飛ぶ鳥の軌跡を男性の顔に見立て、そこに平和のメッセ−ジを織り込んだものである。 平和とともに男性が微笑んでいる作品である。

[05] Peace / Peace Poster / 1991 / 1030x728 mm / Serigraphy

  While Gulf war was continued I created this work. This poster describes the process, which Saddam Hussein becomes a clown. Then, in the opposite order, the clown will become George Bush. This image suggests that these two men come from the same roots: a clown. Moreover, in the image the word " V " of victory ironically emerges.


[06] Wild Life Help / Peace Poster / 1991 / 1030x728 mm / Serigraphy

  When wars were occurred, human beings and animals, all of us equally would suffer the damage from the incident. The Gulf war created catastrophe for the birds, which was caused by heavy oil spill. In order to visualise the situation this work portrayed a bird: the half of head and the body were changed to the breach bones. This image implies strong messages against wars in general. I created this poster in order to show my protest.


[07] Japan Ecology Poster in Warsaw Exhibition Poster /1992 / 728x1030 mm / Offset printing

  An ecology poster exhibition was hold by Poland Japan friendship association in Warsaw 1992. This work was one of three notified posters. Polish and Japanese national flags are constructed with the two colors: red and white. This poster is merged with both Polish and Japanese flags and created as the symbol of two countries' friendship.


[08] Aids condom Boy (Man) Campaign Poster / 1992 / 1030x728 mm / Offset printing

This poster is one of ten art works which produced for the Takashi Akiyama's Exhibition in Tokyo 1992. The purpose is to provide correct acknowledgement of Aids for young people. This work widely contributes the positive understanding of Aids.



[09] The 200th Anniversary of Sharaku 1794 - 1994 / Exhibition Poster / 1994 / 1030x728 mm / Serigraphy

  This poster was produced for the exhibition to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Sharaku's birth. This was in motif of "Daido-yama dohyo-iri (display of sumo wrestlers in the ring)" drawn by a Japanese portrait painter and wood brick printer (Ukiyoe-designer) Toshusai Sharaku, who is favorably compared with Velazquez and Rembrandt. As far as my works are concerned, I must say that I have been strongly influenced by the artistic quality of Ukiyoe in Edo period and originality of Japanese artists-that is, simple but amazing lines, colorful and bold fields, and the sophisticated printing technology.

このポスターは、写楽生誕200年を記念するポスター展のために制作したポスターである。ベラスケスやレンブラントにならぶ肖像画家、浮世絵師『東洲斎写 楽』の『大童山土俵入』を描いた。ぼくの作品を語るとき、江戸時代の浮世絵の芸術性や日本の独創性などから色濃く影響を受けていると言わざるを得ない。それは、シンプルでみごとな線描、カラフルで大胆な色面 、高い印刷技術などである。これらは全て、グラフィックデザインの基本であり、ぼくの教科書のようなものだ。

[10] Tokyo Image Panic 1995 Earthquake / Social Poster / 1995 / 1030x728 mm / Serigraphy

  On January 17th 1995 at 5:46 am (local time), at the north edge of Awaji Island as the focus of largest earthquake M7.2 struck the region of Kobe and Osaka in south-central Japan: The Great Hanshin Earthquake. Many houses, buildings and constructions were either damaged or destroyed, and the numbers of deaths and unknowns reached 5,422. In Tokyo people were mentally distressed and panicked from the images of earthquake, which were distributed by media. This poster illustrates that (natural) disasters may bring media confusion to our lives.


[11] Tokyo Sarin Poison Gas Panic 1995 I'm Here / Social Poster / 1995 / 1030x728 mm / Serigraphy

  In the morning of March 20th 1995, Tokyo undergrounds were simultaneously attacked with sarin gas, one of the most deadly nerve agents ever developed. This indiscriminate terrorists' attack in Tokyo took 12 lives (passengers and station employees) and injured 5,311 people. This cruel incident shook whole country and a question arose whether Japan was really safe country to live in. This work is a satire on the coming era when people need to wear gas masks on trains.

1995年3月20日朝、東京都内の5本の地下鉄車内で猛毒のサリンが使われた同時多発事件が発生した。この無差別 テロの犯行で乗客や駅員ら12人が死亡、5311人が中毒の被害を受けた。この卑劣な行為は日本中を震撼させ、日本の安全神話に大きな影を落とすものとなった。作品では、電車の中でもガスマスクが必要になる時代を風刺している。

[12] Save The Earth-Air Ecology Poster / 1996 / 1030x728 mm / Offset printing

  This poster was one of ten poster series, which were produced for the ecological event in Tokyo 1996. In this image birds are wearing gas masks and flying. It may give a warning of air pollution on the earth.


[13] The World Natural Heritage 1997 / Ecology Poster / 1997 / 1030x728 mm / Offset printing

  This poster of "The World Natural Heritage" was submitted in 1997 to the exhibition about "The World Heritage" hosted by Japan Graphic Designers Association Inc. "The World Heritage" is the "Preservation of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage Treaty" adopted in 1972 by the 17th UNESCO Conference. I got the idea of this poster by visualizing the image that the World Heritage Treaty is supported by nature. I appealed the importance of nature by this illustration.


[14] Fax Art Tokyo - Helsinki / Exhibition Poster / 1997 / 1030x728 mm / Offset printing

  This poster was produced for "Fax Art Project", the exhibition of collaborative studies in Tama Art University. The "Fax Art Project" is a joint project between two countries; the Akiyama class, Department of Graphic Design, Tama Art University and the Aartomaa and Piippo class, University of Art and Design Helsinki. This project is also unique. Students in both countries drew illustrations simultaneously and interchanged each works by Fax. They found a new realm of illustrations exceeding the value of languages.

このポスターは「Fax Artプロジェクト」という多摩美術大学・共同研究の展覧会のために制作した。「Fax Artプロジェクト」とは、多摩美術大学・グラフィックデザイン学科・秋山孝クラスと、ヘルシンキ美術大学・アルトマ&ピッポ・クラスとのジョイントプロジェクトで、同時間に東京とヘルシンキの学生たちが表現するイラストレーションをFaxで相互交換するという、ユニークなプロジェクトである。学生達は言葉を超え、イラストレーションが活躍する新たな領域を発見した。

[15] International Nature Film Festival - Golden Ibex- / Culture Poster / 1997 / 1030x728 mm / Offset printing

  This poster was produced to announce the International Nature Film Festival held in Cogne in Northern Italy where Monte Bianco rises beautifully. The illustration is in motif of an international protected animal, the ibex (stambecco). I imaged its habitus living in the cliffs of the Alps and described as if the ibex projects the nature film on a screen.

このポスターは、イタリア北部モンテ・ビアンコがそびえる町コーニュで開催される、国際自然映画祭の告知ポスターで、国際指名コンペ1位 を獲得した作品である。イラストレーションは、国際保護動物であるアイベックス(スタンベッコ)をモチーフとし、アルプスの崖に住む習性をイメージし、自然映画を映写 するデザインを作り上げた。「コーニュ国際自然映画祭」は世界各国が参加し、1週間ほどこの町で、エコロジーをテーマとした映画が上映された。

[16] Stop Gun - Hachioji Convenience store Robbery- murder- / Social Poster / 1997 / 1030x728 mm / Offset printing

  In 1995, three female supermarket employees were shot and dead at the office in Hachioji-city Tokyo. This poster was made by the request of the Hachioji police station. I wish the case to be solved soon and the abolition of gun therefore I depict this image of breaking a gun to pieces. This poster put on many police boxes and stations and draw many people' attentions.


[17] No ! Land Mine / Social Poster / 1998 / 1030x728 mm / Offset printing

  This poster is produced on the request of a volunteer group of the Campaign for Landmine Free World in Japan. This poster plays an important role in their activity as a visual symbol of the philosophy of the volunteer activist, strengthens their unity, and gives them courage and hope. I designed the poster to make everyone understand the danger of landmines and to remain in their heart.

このポスターは、地雷廃絶日本キャンペーンのボランティアグループからポスター制作の依頼を受け制作したものである。このポスターの役割は、活動しているボランティアの人々の活動理念の象徴的なビジュアルとして、ポスターのもとに集まり、勇気や希望を与えるものである。そして、だれもが地雷の危険を理解でき、記憶に残るデザインを目ざした。 ジュネーブの国際会議ではこのポスターがひっぱりだこになり、人気を博し、グラフィス誌の世界ベストポスターに選ばれている。

[18] Shinanogawa River Poster / Culture Poster / 1998 / 841x 595 mm / Offset printing

This poster is produced for the event "Promises with Our River Part I", which was held at Tokyo under the theme of the Shinano river in Niigata. This poster is in motif of the pictographic letter "川" (river) and the god of the freshwater fish "Yamame". By this layout, the letter "川" looks like piles in the river and at the same time it can express flow of a river. The fish "Yamame" is surrounded with luster of the god.


[19] No More Nuclear Testing by India, 1998 / Social Poster / 1998 / 1030x728 mm / Offset printing

India is the country where Mahatma Gandhi, a great politician and philosopher who claims nonviolent resistance, was born. This country carried out a nuclear testing which must be stopped and limited. This poster was produced to object to nuclear tests by India. I described the situation that Gandhi, the Sophia of India, is angry at the nuclear tests and sweating on his face. The face trembled all over and turned red with anger. The other parts were colored with yellow-his feeling and blue-the sky. Consequently this work as a whole describes a signal.


[20] Illustration Studies Tama Art University / Exhibition Poster / 2000 / 1030x728 mm / Serigraphy

Tama Art University is famous for its advanced education in illustration, and produces the largest number of brilliant illustrators in Japan. I am a founding member of one of the collaborative studies in TAU and launched the illustration studies project under the slogan of "Establishment of Illustration Studies". This poster is one of the diptych made for announcement of the project as the visual symbol of the studies.

多摩美術大学は、日本のなかでイラストレーションの教育が進んでいて、しかも、優秀なイラストレーターを最も多く輩出している大学である。その多摩美術大学の共同研究として、1998年から「イラストレーション学の確立」を旗印に「イラストレーション研究・Illustration Studies」をスタートさせた。このポスターは、その研究プロジェクトの告知と、研究のビジュアルシンボルの意味を込めて制作した2点連作のポスターの1点である。

[21] San Francisco Earth Day 2000 / Culture Poster / 2000 / 1030x728 mm / Serigraphy

This poster was produced for the "San Francisco Earth Day 2000" on the request of the Organizing Committee of San Francisco Earth Day. Earth Day is one of the most important events to elevate international awareness on ecology and to appeal for preservation of nature. It contained various cultural events like musical concerts and symposiums, which many civilian groups joined. On the poster I arranged personified Earth with the laurel, expressing the sunrise from San Francisco Bay.


[22] Recycling "To save is away of life" / Ecology Poster / 2000 / 1030x728mm / Serigraphy

This is the poster drawn in 2000 about Recycling "To save is away of life". Thinking about the ecological problem, we have to refer to "recycling". I would like to declare the importance in a loud voice, though I have to be careful not being selfish or self-satisfaction.

このポスターは、2000年に「リサイクリング」Recycling "To save is away of life"をテーマに制作したものである。エコロジーの問題を考える時、まず「リサイクリング」について、言及しなければならない。自業自得にならないように声たからかに歌い上げたいと思っている。

[23] Fugoppe's Wings / Exhibition Poster / 2001 / 1030x728 mm / Serigraphy

This poster was produced for the exhibition "Wind of Designs" in October 2001, held at the University Art Museum of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. I expressed my own theme "Illustration Studies" on the poster as a visualized message. I had been wondering for a long time what the origin of Japanese Illustration is, and I finally came across a fresco in the cave Fugoppe, Yoichi city, Hokkaido. The fresco has an outline of a man with wings and I designed this poster in motif of this imaginative fresco.


[24] Homage・Jun Tabohashi / Exhibition Poster / 2002 / 1030x728mm / Serigraphy

This poster work is produced for the exhibition "Homage・Jun Tabohashi", the chairman of the Department of Graphic Design, Tama Art University(TAU). This exhibition was held from 10 September to 7 October, 2002, at the gallery of Design Wing, TAU. I compared his dynamism of creation with carp swimming up a waterfall' and expressed it by arranging engraving designs of the Edo Period with Akiyama style.


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