セキ ウゴウ


When I was little, Each time I went to an amusement park, I felt really happy. In 2017 I had an opportunity to visit some ruins of an amusement park with my friends. As soon as I entered, it felt really nostalgic.I think that every single person shares similar experience and that this can lead to a real revolution. I believe that this is the gear of the future. Will it be a world of artificial intelligence? Or will it be still ruled by humans? Where will we go from here / in the future?


セキ ウゴウ GEARによせて。
置き去りにされ、忘れ去られた遊園地のかつての主役達。セキ ウゴウもやはり、そのような視点でかつては撮っていた。いかにも寂しげな、人々に忘れ去られてしまった悲しい遊園地として。
概念を捨て、世界を見なければ、本来の姿は見る事が出来ないという事を、セキ ウゴウの写真は教えてくれている。

教授・上田 義彦