There is an Artwork between Us

We are all different. That is why we stimulate each other.

You and I both create things. That is why I want to see your work of art before talking to you. And I want you to see my work of art as well.

When we meet, there will be an artwork between us. My work and yours. There will be two universes between us.

We will meet the unknown during 2008 and 2009 by traveling around the world. We will meet you together with your work of art and research. Please greet us with your favorite piece.

And let’s talk together. Compliment each other on our strengths and question what we cannot understand. We call this “critique” in the art world. Giving critiques may sound formal, but it is necessary to understand each other. Critiques also give us power. We can reflect on ourselves. It is an important opportunity for artists. We may be struck with awe by some remark from our supervisors. There may be hidden but important words when we are chatting with friends. We are constantly acting as critics.

Being in the realm of art and design, we differ from other subjects as we have more power than words because we work on a research topic.

But sometimes we need help. We will start by creating a digital portfolio called The Critical Note. Our works of art will be uploaded to this website, so we can see each other’s works of art which will help us see one another’s artwork before we meet.

Let’s meet each other. This opportunity is called the International Art and Design Critiques Session. We will come to see you at your graduate school to discuss various topics. It may be a presentation or just a dialogue. Whichever word is suitable, let us talk about our projects in a relaxed atmosphere. It will be interesting to hear what your supervisors have to say about our works of art as well.

Not everything may go as planned. Art and design are created through our conventional and daily senses. There are many people in the world who have different values, philosophies towards life, and customs.

The world is like a patchwork of differences. It is not unnatural to feel strange when seeing something different. We seek cultural interaction with you from these different viewpoints. We artists must create an attractive new era from a global viewpoint and work with the world surrounding us. Large or small, the differences will be a captivating experience.

For these clear reasons there may be comments. Or a coincidental power or energy may suddenly appear before our eyes. What we need is inspiration.

Inspiration will burst forth from us when we meet. A pure and noble inspiration will originate because this meeting will be exceptional. The inspiration that emerges from the meeting will aid our growth, artwork, and research.

We will continue working hard on our project until the day we meet. We hope you will be doing the same.

We look forward to meeting you.