Takashi Akiyama Posters Comment List

2019.04.19更新 hashimura


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 21
[Title] -------- The Best Cartoonist of Nippon'92
[Size] -------- 728 x 515 mm (B2)
[Technique] Offset printing
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Culture

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 20
[Title] -------- Nature (monkey-earth-people)
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Serigraphy
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Ecology

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 19
[Title] -------- Nature (monkey and primitive man)
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Serigraphy
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Ecology

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 18
[Title] -------- Nature (monkeys are hand in hand)
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Serigraphy
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Ecology

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 17
[Title] -------- Nature (rain cloud and monkey)
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Serigraphy
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Ecology

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 16
[Title] -------- Nature (moon & sun)
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Serigraphy
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Ecology

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 15
[Title] -------- Child Grasses Shop Enfant
[Size] -------- 728 x 515 mm (B2)
[Technique] Offset printing
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Culture

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 14
[Title] -------- Love Mother Earth (fish)
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Offset printing
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Ecology

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 13
[Title] -------- Love Mother Earth (human)
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Offset printing
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Ecology

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 12
[Title] -------- Humor Sculpture Exhibition 1991
[Size] -------- 515 x 364 mm (B3)
[Technique] Offset printing
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Culture

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 11
[Title] -------- The 5th Humor Advertising Contest 1991
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Offset printing
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Culture

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 10
[Title] -------- Environment Month (red)
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Offset printing
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Ecology

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 09
[Title] -------- 環境庁・環境月間 (brown)
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Offset printing
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------ 環境庁
[Category] - Ecology

[Idea] -- 環境庁から依頼を受けて制作した環境月間のポスターである。鳥が卵を温めるように地球を保護していく。自然の仕組みは私たちにとって驚異であり、神秘である。私たちもその一員であるということを確認したい。「地球」をテーマに制作したTHE EARTHシリーズの”Heart - The Earth”のイラストレーションを使った。


update : 100519 / Idea更新:180119_hashimura


  [Poster Number] ---1991 - 08
[Title] -------- Environment Month (blue)
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Offset printing
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Ecology

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991-07
[Title] -------- Peace
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Serigraphy (Silk screen)
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------ イスラエル美術館
[Category] - Social

[Idea] -- 湾岸戦争が続く中制作した。フセインがピエロになるまでのプロセスを描いた。ピエロからリタ-ンして反対側に戻るとブッシュになる。二人ともピエロだということを暗示している。ポスターに浮かび上がる文字は、ヴィクトリーの「V」をデザインした。


update : 090629 / Idea更新:180119_hashimura


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 06
[Title] -------- Wild Life Help (oil bath)
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Serigraphy
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Ecology

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991-05
[Title] -------- Wild Life Help (oil bird)
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Serigraphy (Silk screen)
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------ イスラエル美術館
[Category] - Social

[Idea] ------ このポスターは、イスラエル美術館の依頼で1991年の湾岸戦争を反対する展覧会のために制作した。湾岸戦争で流れた重油で鵜が重油まみれになった。全身重油まみれになった鵜を洗い落とすボランティアの姿は、この価値のない戦争を訴えているように映った。これをモチーフとして画面上部を赤、画面半分以上を黒にし対比的効果を作り上げ、体全体をレントゲン写真のようにし鳥の骨格を描いた。

I produced this poster at the request of the Israel Museum for a 1991 exhibition against the Gulf War. Birds known as cormorants were often covered in heavy oil that flowed from the Gulf War. This was reflected in the form of volunteers who toiled washing the cormorants' full bodies from the oil, while complaining of such a pointless war. This was my motif. I made the top part of the image red, and more than half of the bottom black, creating a contrasting effect and depicting the bird's body as a radiographic X-Rayed skeleton.


update : 090629 / Idea更新:180119_hashimura


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 04
[Title] -------- The Birds of Sumida (miyakodori)
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Serigraphy
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Ecology

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 03
[Title] -------- The Birds of Sumida (tsunatori)
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Serigraphy
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Ecology

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 02
[Title] -------- The Birds of Sumida (sekitori)
[Size] -------- 1030 x 728 mm (B1)
[Technique] Serigraphy
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Ecology

[Idea] --


update : 100519


  [Poster Number] --- 1991 - 01
[Title] -------- The 2nd ASEAN Cartoonist Exhibition
[Size] -------- 728 x 515 mm (B2)
[Technique] Offset printing
[Year]------------------- 1991
[Client] ------
[Category] - Culture

[Idea] --


update : 100519

(11.04.22 nakazato)

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